アジア歴史情報センター (JACAR)


Sorry for my long absence. The site looks good and fun.Thanks, Konrad!

I would just like to inform that Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR, アジア歴史情報センター)http://www.jacar.go.jp/ is coming to hold a workshop on March 20 (Tuesday) at the Knafel center at Harvard. Detail/logistics is being worked out right now and I would like to hear from potential audiences’ interests and suggestions. Let me know. As you may know JACAR offers a database of over 850,000 documents in 12 million digital images drawn from the Japan’s National Archives, the Diplomatic Archives, and the Institute of Self Diffense Archives, and is growing fast. An essential resource for Modern East Asian History. JACAR’s chief project administrator Mr. Shohei Muta will lead the workshop/s and looking forward to hearing from your feedbacks, questions, suggestions.

P.S. The day before, on March 19, we are planning for a hans-on workshop for JapanKnowledge http://na.jkn21.com.ezp1.harvard.edu:82/, another indispensable Japan research tool. The site is adding Shogakukan’s Nihon Kokugo jiten 「日本国語辞典」, 13 volumes of Japan’s version of the OED.


  1. Kuniko, thanks very much for sharing this information. I realized that we should ago have linked to the JACAR. It has grown a lot since I first looked at it a few years ago. I’ll add it to the sidebar. KML

  2. In my letters and books, I call the Nihon Kokugo DAI jiten 「日本国語(大)辞典」= or did the newest electronic edition drop the dai? == the OJD, short for “Only Japanese Dictionary.” Morohashi-lovers may object to this, but I cannot help it. I find even probably wrong etymologies useful (an idea in an old haikai might just be based upon it). And, what guts!!! They do not shy away from dirty senryu and use it to example words the OED wouldn;t be caught dead with.have pushed it so hard on friends that I know at least one scholar and one translator who has bought a set. As an outsider (no academic affiliations) I cannot access 90% of the information out there, but still feel that is wonderful news, as anyone doing work in/on Japanese needs to have that set on-hand or on-line, rather than in a library. 敬愚

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